Most cases of mesothelioma occur around the lungs (pleura) or around the abdomen (peritoneal). However, there are two rare subtypes that can occur. One is around the testicle and the other is found around the heart. Estimates specify each type for less than 50 cases per year.
Testicular mesothelioma
Testicular mesothelioma is also called parestesticular or mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testicles. It is a rare type of mesothelioma in which the testes are involved.
Root cause
An important risk factor is exposure to asbestos, usually with a long latency between exposure and diagnosis.
The most common symptom is a mass or hydrocele (accumulation of fluid) in the scrotum. Symptoms of testicular mesothelioma may include scrotal problems, pain and discomfort. Your doctor may use a physical exam, x-rays, or other imaging techniques to detect the lesions. An ultrasound can also be used. A biopsy can be performed and the tumor can be examined by a pathologist to determine exactly what type of cancer it is. Pathologists use immunohistochemical staining to help them identify the genetic markers of various cancers.
The treatment of testicular mesothelioma may involve surgery followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Recent studies have shown that surgery can be curative in some cases. For example, in one study, two patients with this disease were treated by radical inguinal orchidectomy with one or both testicles and the spermatic cord surgically removed. According to their doctors, "Both patients are currently in complete remission." These doctors further state that the use of chemo and radiation is not always necessary for this type of mesothelioma. Other studies, however, concluded that treatment is curative only in the early stages.
The mortality rate of testicular mesothelioma was reported to be 53% over a mean follow-up period of two years. Despite the treatment, this tumor has a very poor prognosis with a median survival of about 23 months.
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